Digital Prints

This is the professional quality option for photo prints, but also the best option for when you need that 'specific' colour that needs to be specially matched with something else, OR your logo contains colours that have shading (not a flat colour,dimply a shaded colour changes from dark to light or from one colour into another colour completely). This is also the best option if your logo has more than three colours in it, also saving you some extra cost.
With the digital option, a keyline can also be added, in any colour, and also a customised cutline to your image/text so that you don't have to have a 'square shaped' patch look (Conor-Janes logo) giving it that more professionalappearance as well!
* Refer to our Digital Printing page  under our Product Information section for visuals of our sample 'SFW'digital prints on display in our showroom....
Please note this is a service we provide to you and not done in-house, so please allow extra time for order processing.